David Fachman The ScareFactory Discusses How to Make In-Person Events Memorable and Highly Engaging  

David Fachman The ScareFactory Discusses How to Make In-Person Events Memorable and Highly Engaging  

Founder and Co-Owner of Scarefactory David Fachman says brands can increase online attention through points targeting social engagement.

COLUMBUS, OHIO, February 28, 2022 — Brands are after higher rates of engagement in today’s largely digital world. David Fachman The ScareFactory is in tune with the needs associated at live events. His company, the Scarefactory, offers animatronic décor designed to increase event engagement. His recent comments on event activity suggest brands should consider how they are making their in-person events more memorable and engaging for their attendees.

Event engagement occurs when people are drawn to interact during an event. Brands have to hold the attention of their attendees and provoke them to respond, says David Fachman. People don’t respond just because they want to support a company in most cases.

There are many different metrics that can measure engagement levels at an event, says David Fachman The ScareFactory. He notes that some of the most common analytics include the number of questions asked, comments left or shares. People tend to feel more positively towards an event that they were engaged with. So, David Fachman says most brands work to increase the level of participation in any given event.

There are three basic engagement points for the average event:

Pre Event Communication: Count-downs and hype can all lead to a stronger build-up, David Fachman The ScareFactory says. Getting people excited about an event might include promo videos or advertisements that target the upcoming date.

Event Participation: During the event, selfie stations and other event spotlights can help promote the event itself. Impressive décor can get people excited about sharing the event with their audience. David Fachman says the Scarefactory commonly sells major animatronics figures that wow guests and create the perfect photo ops.

Post-Event Feedback: When the event is a success, people talk. You want your event to be discussed as a top event that encourages attendees in the future. Word-of-mouth advertising is one of your strongest forms of attraction. The more you can prove value, the more people will show up to participate in the experience.

David Fachman The ScareFactory says his company Scarfactory commonly sells the kinds of props and décor that set events apart from others. He notes that competitors often struggle to make their events stand out in order to captivate their audiences.

“People want something different—something unique,” he notes. “it’s important to offer an angle that no one else has. Big animatronic décor for Halloween or Christmas is exactly the kind of event décor that will get your company a lot of attention. Our clients have reported an incredible turnout with high engagement rates when they use our engaging machines for their festive events.”

He notes that holidays can also help a brand stick out in comparison to its competitors. “Some brands will do a little, but few will go all the way,” he says. “Brands that choose engaging, larger-than-life decorations are the ones who often get the attention deserved. We are so proud of what these machines are able to do to connect brands with their target audiences. It’s really a beautiful sight to behold.”